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The Prime Minister today reviewed the Thrust Areas for the power sector. Dr. Manmohan Singh directed that urgent steps be taken to operationalise the decisions taken in the Chief Ministers' Conference on Power Sector in May 2007. He stressed that the UPA Government was fully committed to Bharat Nirman and the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojana and that all steps should be taken in this regard.
The Prime Minister was also keen to continue and strengthen the efforts being made towards the accelerated development and reforms of the distribution sector and directed the Ministry of Power to ensure that formal clearances to both the initiatives are completed in the next fortnight. He expressed the hope that with the constitution of the Standing Committee of State Power Ministers and the Sub-Committee under the Finance Minister to look into financing issues, the power sector would be able to achieve the full momentum necessary to sustain high rates of economic growth.