The Trade and Economic Relations Committee
Constituted on 3rd May 2005, the Trade & Economic Relations Committee is an institutional mechanism for evolving the extent, scope and operational parameters of our economic relations with other countries in a coordinated and synchronized manner.
The Committee is serviced by the Prime Minister’s Office, which may obtain assistance as required from any Ministry/Department/Agency of Government.
The composition of the Trade and Economic Relations Committee is as follows:-
(a) Prime Minister - Chairman
(b) Finance Minister
(c) Commerce & Industry Minister
(d) External Affairs Minister
(e) Deputy Chairman, Planning Commission
(f) Chairman, Economic Advisory Council
(g) Chairman, National Manufacturing Competitiveness Council
(h) National Security Adviser
(i) Principal Secretary to PM - Convenor
The Secretaries of the Departments of Economic Affairs, Revenue, Commerce, Industrial Policy & Promotion as well as Secretary, Planning Commission and Foreign Secretary, are permanent invitees to the meetings of the Committee.
The Chairman may invite any other Minister/Officer to any meeting of the Committee depending upon the context.
The Committee would engage in the following tasks:
(a) Suggest mechanisms for promoting economic cooperation through various arrangements such as Joint Study Groups, Task Forces, Negotiating Teams, etc.
(b) Suggest the extent and scope of economic engagement with the identified countries.
(c) Commission studies which would be valuable inputs in arriving at suitable decisions.
(d) Examine proposals for economic coordination between India and the identified countries.
The Committee has held nineteen meetings till date, in which the following issues have been discussed:
1. India’s engagement in regional trading arrangements
2. Investments, both into the country and by India abroad
3. Economic relations with the US, with special emphasis on the Small and Medium Enterprises sector
4. Economic relations with the EU
5. Free Trade Agreement between India and the Gulf Cooperation Council
6. India’s economic engagement with Bangladesh and Pakistan, esp in the context of textile trade
7. India’s economic engagement with Korea
8. Status of negotiations in the WTO
9. Progress on South Asian Free Trade Area
10. Economic Engagement with BIMSTEC
11. Proposed Framework Agreement with SACU
12. Proposed Comprehensive Economic Cooperation and Partnership Agreement (CECPA) and progress on PTA with
13. Recommendations of the India-Israel Joint Study Group
14. Progress on India- ASEAN FTA
15. Proposed JSG between India and Russia
16. Proposed areas of Trade Cooperation among India, Brazil and South Africa
17. CECA between India and Indonesia
18. Unilateral Tariff Preference Scheme for LDCs
19. Setting up of a National Center for International Trade Policy
20. Progress on India- Chile PTA
21. Progress on India- Mercosur PTA
22. Constitution of a JWG to study the feasibility of a comprehensive FTA among SACU, India and MERCOSUR
23. Issues relating to India-Japan Joint Study Group
24. Open skies agreement with ASEAN
25. Trade and Economic Framework between India and Australia
26. Issues relating to India-EU High Level Trade Group
27. Progress on Indo- US economic dialogue
28. Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) with Republic of Korea
29. Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA ) with Japan
30. India- Thailand Free Trade Agreement
31. Negotiations under ASEAN – India Free Trade Agreement
32. Finalization of Joint Task Force Report for Regional Trading Arrangement with China
33. Constitution of a JSG between India- European Free Trade Association
34. Setting up a Joint Task Force based on India- Russia Joint Study Group Report
35. Adoption of India - Malaysia Joint Study Group Report
36. Progress on the GCC- India FTA negotiations and Economic Relations with Saudi Arabia in particular
37. Commencement of Free Trade Agreement negotiations between India and New Zealand
38. Commencement of FTA negotiations with Israel for agreement on Trade in Goods, Services and Investment
39. Commencement of Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement negotiations between India and Malaysia
40. Setting up of a Joint Study Group to examine the feasibility of a FTA between India- Australia
41. Setting up of a Joint Study Group to explore the possibility of a FTA between India and Turkey
42. Establishment of a Joint Study Group to explore the possibility of a FTA between India and Canada
43. Setting up a Joint Study Group to examine the feasibility of a FTA between India and Egypt
44. Adoption of policy recommendations of Committee on Inverted Duty Structure
45. Bilateral broad- based Trade and Investment Agreement with European Free Trade Association
46. Economic relations with neighbouring countries in South Asia (including Afghanistan) and in the Indian Ocean
47. Commencement of negotiations for a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between India and Canada
48. Status of negotiations of India - Japan CEPA
49. Status of India - EU Bilateral Trade and Investment Agreement (BTIA)
50. Status of India - Malaysia Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement
51. IPR Issues
52. Commencement of Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) negotiations between India and
53. Commencement of Negotiations for Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between India and Australia
54. Setting up a Joint Study Group (JSG) to examine the feasibility of Free Trade Agreement (FTA)/ Preferential Trade Agreement (PTA) between India and the Common Market for Eastern & Southern Africa (COMESA)