November 17, 2006
New Delhi
PM's address at the Joint Press Conference with President Karzai
"It is always a great pleasure to meet with President Karzai. Afghanistan has undergone a remarkable transformation over the last five years. From a country that was wracked by violence and civil strife for nearly three decades, it has transformed itself into a country where democratic institutions are taking strong roots. I told President Karzai that we in India marvel at what Afghanistan has become today; the newly constituted Wolesi Jirga has emerged as a vibrant and assertive body. This would not have been possible without President Karzai's strong and wise leadership these past few years.
The President and I had useful discussions on all aspects of our bilateral relations. We reviewed the progress achieved in the various bilateral assistance projects that we are associated with in Afghanistan. I have reiterated India's commitment as a neighbour and friend to continue assisting Afghanistan despite the challenges posed by the security situation.
We also discussed in detail the security situation in the region. A strong India-Afghanistan relationship is not only beneficial to both counties but is vital for peace and stability in the entire region. I have expressed the concern we in India feel about the increased activities of terrorist groups in Afghanistan.
The President and I also had an opportunity to review our cooperation in the regional setting. India looks forward to Afghanistan joining SAARC. We feel greatly honoured that Afghanistan's first Summit as a member of SAARC will be hosted by India. We also discussed tomorrow's Regional Economic Cooperation Conference. This is a very important initiative, not just for Afghanistan but for the entire region. Regional economic cooperation is perhaps the best way for developing countries like ours to cope with the challenges posed by the phenomena of globalization. We are determined to ensure that this initiative succeeds."
Printed from the website http://www.pmindia.nic.in