December 14, 2011
New Delhi
PM's opening remarks at the All Party Meeting
The Standing Committee has now completed its deliberations. The Committee has done very valuable work in record time and I thank Shri Abhishek Singhvi and his colleagues for the efforts they have put in. All of you would have seen the recommendations of the Standing Committee on the various issues and also the corresponding provisions of the draft Bill tabled by the Government earlier.
It is for this august group to indicate how far the recommendations of the Standing Committee meet the sense of the Parliament and how far the various provisions are feasible and efficacious. The Government is committed to implement in letter and spirit a good and effective Lokpal Bill that would have a quick and positive impact in further curbing the cancer of corruption without any adverse effects on the efficiency of our system of public administration. I am personally keen that this momentous legislation should be passed on the basis of consensus among all parties as far as possible and that this sho.uld not be subjected to party politics in any way. This is an occasion where we must keep the interests of the country foremost in our minds. The Government is also keen that we must make all efforts to pass a Lokpal Bill in this very session that is based on consensus and that is driven by Parliament as the custodian of legislation. Your guidance and cooperation in this matter are of paramount importance.
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