January 10, 2006
New Delhi

PM's speech on the release of Munshi Premchand's books

"I deem it a great privilege and honour to associate myself with the release of two of Premchand's books, Sevasadan and Rangbhumi. I believe, it is appropriate that these books are being released on the occasion of the 125th birth anniversary of Premchand, one of the renowned progressive writers of the twentieth century.

I am happy to note that the Hindi, Urdu and Punjabi versions of Sevasadan and the Hindi and Urdu versions of Rangbhumi are being released simultaneously. It is of paramount significance to translate the novels of Premchand and make them available to the people of different States of our country. Premchand has been internationally acclaimed for applying his literary genius to depict the problems of the common people in his numerous novels. He was a rare voice against the social exploitation and used literature as a powerful weapon for the cause of the people riddled with social and economic deprivation.

His first Hindi novel Sevasadan written in 1916 very powerfully brings out the issues of gender equality by highlighting the discriminations suffered by the Indian women. I pay my tribute to the robust vision of Premchand for so feelingly espousing the cause of women in the first quarter of the twentieth century. When so much is being talked about the rights of women and their upliftment from the depths of social deprivation, it is important to hark back to the writings of Premchand to get historical insights to address their problems and grievances. In fact Sevasadan stirred the conscience of the people and became a landmark in Hindi literature stressing the emancipation of women from dreadful social degradation. The way Premchand argued for restoring the rights of women made him one of the great feminists of modern India. In fact Premchand's writings, apart from critically evaluating social values, immensely contributed to spreading nationalistic consciousness and further the cause of independence.

The second novel Rangbhumi centering around the exploitation of peasants of India during British rule brings out the suffering of ordinary farmers and depicts the inhumanity of colonial rule. The novel is not only valuable for its literary worth but also for the representation of the social and economic condition of the underprivileged sections of society. While dealing with the pain and agony of common people under foreign rule, it focuses attention on the powerful current of nationalism which eventually shook the foundation of the British Empire and brought us our independence.

Any literature that captures the beauty and finer aspects of life in the midst of gloom and despondency is truly a great literature. Premchand's writings belong to that unique category of literature which have deeply influenced progressive forces all over the world.

I compliment the National Book Trust so eminently led by Professor Bipan Chandra for bringing out these novels of Premchand on the occasion of his birth anniversary. It is heartening to note that the NBT is bringing out Premchand's first novel Sevasadan in all modern Indian languages. I think that such novels embodying progressive values will enrich our people's understanding about the history and ethos of our struggle not only for political independence but also for freeing our people from social and economic inequalities.

In the end, I congratulate National Book Trust for their enterprise. The National Book Trust, in its own way, is making a powerful contribution to national integration. Because there is so much vigour and vitality in the literature of various regional languages. We know a great deal about European literature, we know a great deal about American literature, but what goes on in our own country about which a great deal is being written in other national languages is, I think, getting inadequate attention and I sincerely hope the National Book Trust under Professor Bipin Chandra's distinguished leadership, will take up this cause and I do believe that it will unleash a powerful movement for our national integration."